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Writing Professional

I am an editor and writer with book, blogging, online and E-publishing experience. I have an MFA in Writing from The New School University in New York City and a Certificate in Publishing from Emerson College.


Writing Professional

I am an editor and writer with book, blogging, recipe, online and E-publishing experience. I have an MFA in Writing from The New School University in New York City and a Certificate in Publishing from Emerson College.


I used to write recipes for Examiner.com. I was the New York City Budget Meals Examiner. Essentially I wrote simple affordable meals for the busy average person with budget constraints. We didn’t really have rules so I set up my own, like most meals I created would cost between $50-$75 to buy all the ingredients and they would last a single person at least four days.

It was really fun creating meals on the fly and gave me a new hobby which I continue to this day. Plus we had to take our own photos so I got seriously into photography. I’m still not great at it but it is another past time that I have. Yes I’m one of those sunset photo takers.

Sunset over Spring Lake

Well Examiner was taken down and I have to find a new place to post my recipes. No fear though on new experiences. I will start reposting the old recipes here while I search out a new place to publish new recipes.

Fresh and Flavorful Pasta, Basil, Tomatoes

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Some of the best recipes are happy accidents. I was cleaning my bedroom and clearing a stack of papers off my desk when I noticed that one of them had a handwritten recipe on it. I have no idea where it came from but judging from the ingredients I was game to eat. Initially I tried this recipe with linguine but decided to experiment with different pastas when the grocery store near me had a sale. I found that Penne and Rigatoni’s ridges picked up the spices and held onto the flavors better than the linguini did.

Cook pasta al dente and set aside.

Heat oil in a large sauce pan, add onions and garlic. Cook until onion is translucent. Add sausage with the casing removed. (I just discovered that they don’t sell the sausage filling uncased and the price is competitive with that of the regular sausage.)

Add tomatoes and cook until they burst in the pan. Add vinegar, salt and pepper. Mix well in the pan.

Add about half of the pasta to the pot. Mix. Add the Basil last. Turn off and place half the pasta on top of some arugula.

Grate some fresh parmesan on top of the pasta mixture. Enjoy. This recipe is can’t miss!